Night Guards

Garland, Texas

Do you ever wake up with a headache or a sore jaw? Or has a family member told you that you constantly grind and clench your teeth at night? If so, you may be suffering a condition known as bruxism, with devastating impacts on your oral health. At Buckingham Family Dental, we have a simple yet effective solution: a custom night guard.

Bruxism - An Overview

Teeth grinding is a common condition where people clench and grind their teeth, often during sleep. It can result from various factors such as stress, anxiety, misaligned teeth, and sleep disorders. Many individuals are unaware that they grind their teeth until they begin to experience symptoms like jaw pain, facial soreness, headaches, and worn-down teeth.

Teeth grinding can take a toll on your dental health if left untreated. The constant pressure and friction can wear down the protective enamel, making your teeth more vulnerable to cavities and sensitivity. It can also strain your jaw muscles, leading to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders and even chronic pain in the face and neck.

What Are Night Guards?

Night guards are custom-made oral appliances that provide a protective barrier between your upper and lower teeth. Wearing a protective mouthguard during sleep can prevent direct contact between your teeth, reducing the damage caused by teeth grinding. At Buckingham Family Dental, our experienced team will take precise impressions of your teeth to create a dental night guard tailored to your smile's unique needs.

What Are the Benefits of Night Guards?

Here's a look at some of the benefits of wearing protective teeth guards during sleep:

  • Protection from Tooth Damage: Night guards act as a cushion, absorbing the forces of teeth clenching and grinding, which protects the teeth and prevents tooth enamel wear. Your mouth protectors help preserve the integrity of your teeth and reduce the risk of cavities and tooth sensitivity.
  • Relieving Jaw Discomfort: Custom mouthguards promote proper jaw alignment, which lessens the strain on your jaw muscles. That helps decrease the likelihood of developing TMJ disorders.
  • Enhanced Sleep Quality: Teeth grinding can disrupt your sleep and that of your partner. Night guards create a silent barrier that prevents the grinding noise, allowing you both to enjoy a peaceful night's rest.
  • Cost-Effective Solution: A night guard is a cost-effective preventive measure compared to the potential dental treatments for damaged teeth or jaw problems. We highly recommend safeguarding your smile with the help of a custom-fitted guard to prevent a host of dental problems down the road.

How Should You Care for Your Night Guard?

Here are some things you can do to care for your custom fit night guard to ensure it continues providing you with maximum protection:

  • Rinse your night guard with cool water after each use to remove food particles and debris.
  • Gently brush your mouth protector with a soft toothbrush and mild soap or toothpaste to keep it clean.
  • Keep your night guard in its protective case when not in use to avoid damage or contamination.
  • Bring your night guard to your regular dental appointments, so our team can ensure it continues to fit and function correctly.

Night Guards Near Me in Garland, TX

Don't let teeth grinding compromise your oral health and quality of life. Visit Buckingham Family Dental to learn more about protecting your smile and alleviating the discomfort caused by bruxism with the help of a custom night guard. Your teeth are irreplaceable, and we're here to help you maintain optimal oral health.

We invite you to call us at 469-649-1017 to schedule your appointment or request a consultation online today!

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