Root Canal Therapy

Garland, Texas

If you have been experiencing severe, persistent tooth pain or sensitivity, you may have a tooth infection requiring root canal therapy. Despite its reputation, the endodontic treatment is relatively painless, comparable to having a dental filling placed. At Buckingham Family Dental, we prioritize your comfort and work tirelessly to ensure our valued patients have access to anxiety-free dental care. We invite you to visit our Garland office to experience the difference!

Root Canal Therapy Explained

Inside every tooth is an area called the pulp chamber, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. If the inner pulp becomes infected or inflamed due to trauma, deep decay, or repeated dental procedures, it can lead to excruciating pain and jeopardize the health of the affected tooth. Antibiotics can provide temporary pain and symptom relief. However, they cannot remove the source of the infection.

A root canal treatment is an endodontic procedure needed to treat a tooth with infected pulp, relieving your discomfort and saving the tooth. Neglecting to treat a tooth with inflammation or infection can lead to persistent pain, facial swelling, an abscess, bone loss around the tooth’s roots, and even tooth loss. The infection can affect the neighboring teeth and even enter your bloodstream, putting your health at risk.

The only alternative to a required root canal treatment is to have the affected tooth extracted, which is always our last resort. Saving the tooth will restore your chewing function, prevent the adjacent teeth from shifting, and preserve your healthy, pain-free smile.

What Are Signs You May Require Root Canal Therapy?

Signs of root canal problems requiring root canal therapy include tooth discoloration, persistent tooth pain, pain when placing pressure on the tooth, and sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures. You may develop an abscess, which appears as a bump or pimple on the gums.

If you suspect that you may have an infected tooth, contact Buckingham Family Dental for an appointment. We will evaluate your symptoms and may recommend root canal therapy to restore your smile’s health and function.

What Is the Root Canal Procedure?

We will start by numbing the affected tooth and the area surrounding it for your comfort. We may administer nitrous oxide sedation, if needed, to ensure you are relaxed during your root canal treatment.

When you are comfortable, we will make a tiny opening in the affected tooth’s crown to access and remove the diseased pulp. Next, we will clean, disinfect, and shape the root canals, and fill them with a rubbery, biocompatible material called gutta-percha, to prevent further reinfection. The last step of your root canal treatment is placing a temporary filling.

After your endodontic treatment, the tooth may become brittle and susceptible to damage or fracture, which is why we usually recommend placing a dental crown. We create custom crowns that match your surrounding teeth, leaving you with beautifully natural results. Root canal therapy has an incredibly high success rate, and with proper care, your treated tooth can last a lifetime!

Root Canal Therapy Near Me in Garland, TX

Root canal therapy at Buckingham Family Dental offers a gentle, pain-free solution to save an infected or inflamed tooth. Our team is committed to providing you with the highest quality care in a calm and relaxing environment.

We invite you to call us at 469-649-1017 to schedule your appointment or request a consultation online today!

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