Partial Dentures

Garland, Texas

If you're in search of a time-tested solution to replace your missing teeth, you've come to the right place. Buckingham Family Dental is proud to offer partial dentures, an affordable and convenient way to enhance your oral health and restore your confident smile. You'll love the incredibly natural-looking and feeling results!

What Are Partial Dentures?

Partials are designed to replace missing teeth when some of your natural teeth remain. They offer an excellent removable alternative to fixed dental bridges. Most partial dentures consist of thin metal frameworks with small metal clasps that attach to neighboring teeth. They are incredibly natural-looking, functional, and comfortable.

Why Replace Missing Teeth?

Leaving a gap in your smile can result in the neighboring teeth shifting and tilting out of alignment, causing a host of oral health problems. Replacing missing teeth with partial dentures will enhance your oral health and improve your quality of life. Your restoration will allow you to speak clearly and to enjoy your favorite foods once again. Best of all, you'll restore your youthful, confident smile!

How Should You Care for Partial Dentures?

Partial dentures require daily brushing using a soft-bristled denture brush and non-abrasive toothpaste. You'll also need to rinse them well after every meal. Never expose your partial dentures to very hot water, which can warp the restoration. When not in your mouth, store your partial dentures in a mild denture cleanser and rinse them before wearing them once again.

Avoid making any repairs to your partial dentures. If you have any sore spots, if your partial dentures are loose, or if they sustain any damage, contact our office for an appointment. We will make any adjustments necessary to ensure your partial dentures remain comfortable and functional for many years to come.

Quality Partial Dentures Near Me in Garland, TX

Contact Buckingham Family Dental to learn more about restoring your missing teeth using our aesthetic dentures. We will work with you to determine the tooth replacement option that best fits your unique needs.

We invite you to call us at 469-649-1017 to schedule your appointment or request a consultation online today!

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